Hey friends,
On today’s post I am sharing our full review on the Bentley Stroller 6 in 1 Trike! This is a stroller, trike & bicycle that can be used for up to 6 years.
If you have a busy toddler, this is the stroller for you…
As many of you know we have two boys, at ages one and two years old they are BUSY! They would love to ride bicycles off to the playground themselves, but they are not quite there yet..

ENTER the Bentley Stroller Trike.
The youngest is able to sit & ride along, and the oldest can play with the handlebars while pretending to ride it like a bike. Mom & Dad have full control over the steering and speed.
Our absolute favorite features about this stroller is the easy access cupholder, perfect for my iced oat milk lattes!
The bottom storage basket has a cove which is perfect for keeping snacks & juice out of the sun.
Speaking of sun, the sunshade is a great length for keeping the little guys protected.
We chose the chocolate brown color and I love how trendy is looks.
We joke with the boys that they got a Bentley before Daddy did… haha
If you have any questions about this stroller feel free to DM me on Instagram or comment below!
The brand was gracious enough and gave us a discount code too! Use “THESARAHBETHBLOG” for 20& off at bentleytrike.com
Love from the sunshine state,

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